
Posts Tagged ‘storm’

Identifying with hurricanes

Hurricane-to-be clouds churn

Hurricane-to-be clouds churn

I’ve chosen not to include my kids’ names in this blog, for privacy reasons. But I can’t address this topic without at least an inference of a name, and I do want to address it, because it’s perfect blog fodder.

The national media talking heads were talking this morning about the latest hurricane threat, brewing east of Florida and expected to move north by late Sunday or early Monday.

Our 4-year-old was very excited by the news. “They said my name!” he exclaimed. “That storm has my name!”

He then insisted on calling his mom and breathlessly sharing the news. “They said Hurricane (me) is coming! It’s Hurricane (me)!”

Ah, when severe weather forecasting imitates life. He is, indeed, a hurricane. At least on occasion.

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